Cynthia Nixon to endorse Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Progressive women to cross-endorse each other
Move comes as corporatist Democratic women still turn their backs on progressives
New York gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon is set to endorse Bronx-native and progressive Latina Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress one day before the Democratic Party primary election for New York’s Fourteenth Congressional District.
“Alexandria’s running an inspiring, insurgent, progressive campaign powered by the people,” said gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon, adding that, “She represents the future of the Democratic Party.”
— The New York Daily NewsIndypendent : Alexandria vs. Goliath
The political race between a progressive young Latina and the Queens county boss is more than just about winning an election.
It’s about creating a new future and direction for a wayward Democratic Party.
Bronx activist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is mounting the first real primary challenge to U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley (Establishment-NY) since his first reëlection campaign two decades ago. Could a progressive young Latina actually beat the Queens Democratic Party boss ? Crowley has an enormous war chest filled with Wall Street money. Reportedly, Crowley is so worried that he is burning through about $1 million to stave off defeat in the ballot box. The odds that Ocasio-Cortez faces are long, and there is an aspect to legend-making to the race. As the underdog, Ocasio-Cortez is garnering sympathy, so much so that the Indypendent dubs the race, Alexandria vs. Goliath.
After shaming by NYTimes, Crowley promises to show up for last debate
The Editorial Board had scolded Joe Crowley for having skipped debates, and for having sent a surrogate to do his job.
On Tuesday, U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley (Establishment-NY) was censured by the Editorial Board of the New York Times for having skipped debates against his Democratic Party primary election rival, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and for having once sent a surrogate to a debate in his stead. Ocasio-Cortez is challenging Congressmember Crowley, who also serves as chair of Queens Democratic Party county committee, in the June 26 primary for the 14th New York Congressional District that he’s represented for nearly two decades now. In the lead-up to the publication of the editorial, the normally entitled and image-conscious Hon. Crowley was being shamed all over the Twitter social media network by an emboldened legion of critics, who have, for the first time in decades, found allies in the form of his rival’s supporters to give voice to a festering, high-grade disappointment in the incumbent Congressmember. Due to a culture of retaliation that permeates Queens County politics, given the tight control with which U.S. Rep. Crowley administers the Queens political machine that he heads, the dissent and disapproval that have been expressed over Twitter prior to and following the publication of the Times’s editorial was giving rise to something more serious than just a mere rejection of U.S. Rep. Crowley’s neoliberal political record. Finally, the public was talking about how a Congressmember for almost 20 years thought nothing of violating democratic functions of important civic processes. In other words, the Queens County boss was caught acting like your typical, third-rate corrupt party boss.
After such a public shaming, U.S. Rep. Crowley, with his stubby, little tail between his legs, sheepishly let it be known that he would be conditionally attending tonight’s final community debate, in Jackson Heights, Queens.
One will see if U.S. Rep. Crowley keeps his word.
For Immediate Release : Crowley must call to abolish ICE
Joe Crowley Continues To Fail NYC Immigrant Communities, Must Call to Abolish ICE
Contact : Queens Against Crowley,
New York, NY (Jun. 20, 2018) — Tonight, while Congressman Joseph Crowley (Establishment-NY) was attending a fundraiser hosted by the Republican Lobbying firm, BGR Group (Note 1), it fell upon Mayor Bill de Blasio (D-New YorkCity) to visit and to make public information about children being held in detention centers in New York City (Note 2).
A Sectrum News NY1 report broadcast yesterday revealed that detention centers holding children were located in New York City (Note 3). We still don’t know if any children separated from their parents are being sheltered or fostered in the Bronx, potentially in Congressman Crowley’s own district. During his televised comments, de Blasio stated that the Federal Government would not inform him where or how many children were being detained here in New York City.
Last Sunday — on Fathers Day — U.S. Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-Upper West Side) and others had to barge into a detention center in Elizabeth, New Jersey, demanding information about the care of undocumented individuals (Note 4).
While being seemingly outspoken in his opposition to the cruel practice of separating children from their parents, Congressman Crowley has neither spoken out about New York City detention centers, nor visited any in protest.
Even worse, Crowley has not taken responsibility for his vote to create ICE in the first place (Note 5), which, as he is fully aware, is tearing apart families residing directly within his district.
A Campaign in Crisis : Debate No-Show, Immigration Hypocrisy, and an Avalanche of Criticism
Joe Crowley’s campaign is in crisis
Life comes at you fast.
A month ago, U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley (Establishment-NY) was looking untouchable, but, within a few, short weeks, his campaign started to unravel, leaving many in the media to speculate whether they were witnessing the beginning of the end for one of the most powerful politicians in New York City.
Crowley’s race insensitivities
About two weeks ago, things began to change for Crowley. The Intercept published an article that took issue with how Crowley both brags about his Irish heritage and faults his primary challenger, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, for discussing her Puerto Rican background. Remarks attributed to Crowley in the article included that, “I can’t help that I was born White,” and that it appeared to be, in manifest terms, his destiny to be a U.S. Representative and to challenge President Donald Trump (R). The Intercept reporter reminded many that Crowley had hired a lobbyist in order to attempt to kick a Latino section of the Bronx out of his Congressional District. After Crowley was a no-show at a bilingual debate, he lost the endorsement of a Queens Democratic Party political club. Next, U.S. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) clawed back his sole endorsement for Crowley and “co-endorsed” Ocasio-Cortez. Criticism of the debate no-show and of the change in Khanna’s endorsement opened the floodgates of criticism.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gives an interview to The Young Turks about challenging Queens party boss Joe Crowley
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is interviewed by The Young Turks
Bronx activist Alexandra Ocasio Cortez is running for Congress. She made her case for trying to unseat entrenched Queens party boss Joseph Crowley (Establishment-NY) in a new interview with The Young Turks.
Party bosses like Crowley use corruption to hold onto power. Despite being in the reported cross-hairs of Federal law enforcement, Boss Crowley has almost never been fully called to account for how he misuses his power over the Queens Democratic Party county committee, which he heads.
Until now.
On June 26, vote for Ocasio-Cortez for Congress.
The Young Turks interview
For more information about Ocasio-Cortez, watch this interview that Ocasio-Cortez gave to Katie Halper of The Young Turks.
Benjamin Norton interviews Howie Klein about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez challenging Joseph Crowley for NY’s 14th Congressional District
Heated #NY14 Primary Pits Corrupt Establishment Democrat Joseph Crowley Against Young Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
One of the nation’s most closely-watched primary race is taking place in New York, where Queens party Boss Joseph Crowley (Establishment-NY) is being challenged by democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Crowley is chair of the House Democratic Caucus, and he is fourth in line to the House speakership should the Democrats take back control of the U.S. House of Representatives, however, talk amongst lobbyists is that Crowley will become speaker once Nancy Pelosi (Establishment-CA) is forced to give up the leadership post.
Howie Klein, who heads Blue America PAC, says in this interview that Crowley is “the most corrupt Democrat in the House.”
As the media have reported, the activities of the Queens political machine that Crowley administers is the subject of law enforcement interest.
Highlights from the Ocasio and Crowley NY14 Debate
Ocasio Scores Major Win Against Crowley on Issues That Matter Most to Queens and Bronx Voters
Below are some quotes from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from the NY14 congressional debate between her and Congressman Joseph Crowley, which was broadcast live last Friday, June 15th.
You can watch the full debate here. Also, please check out this great analysis by Briahna Gray at the Intercept.
Throughout the debate Ocasio held strong to her progressive politics and pushed back on Crowly’s false claims to represent working families in Queens and the Bronx. Many of Crowley’s responses referred to straw-man arguments and even a couple attempts to smear Ocasio. By the end of the debate, though, it was clear that, when it comes to fighting for working families and immigrant communities, Ocasio has a much greater grasp on what needs to get done.
Joe Crowley voted to create ICE
The duplicity of first voting to create ICE and then protesting against ICE.

On Wednesday, Joseph Crowley (Establishment-NY) collapsed in a protest against the separation of families ordered by President Donald Trump (R).
As you know, Trump has been using the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in on-going attacks against immigrants. Congressman Crowley protested on behalf of the immigrants and suffered a physical collapse in front of everyone. But he showed no shame for having, in 2002, voted to create ICE. Crowley was lucky, because he recovered from his fall. But immigrants have very few ways to fight against detentions or deportations by the agency that Crowley voted to create.
This year, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is running to replace Crowley in Congress. She has committed to close ICE. If you live in Queens or the Bronx, vote on June 26 for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress.
Joseph Crowley aprobó la ley que creó el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas
La duplicidad de votar para crear ICE y luego protestar contra ICE

El miércoles, Joseph Crowley (Wall Street-NY) colapsó en una protesta contra la separación de familias ordenada por el presidente Donald Trump (R). Como saben, Trump ha estado utilizando el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) en un ataque contra los inmigrantes. El Congresista Crowley protestó en nombre de los inmigrantes y sufrió delante de todos sufrió una debilidad relacionada con el calor. Pero no mostró ninguna vergüenza de que, en 2002, votó para crear el ICE.
Crowley tuvo suerte, porque se recuperó de sentirse débil por el calor. Pero los inmigrantes tienen muy pocas maneras de luchar contra las detenciones o las deportaciones que realiza la agencia que Crowley votó a favor de crear.
Este año, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez se postula para reemplazar a Crowley en el Congreso. Ella se ha prometido a cerrar ICE. Si vives en Queens o en el Bronx, vote el 26 de junio por Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez para el Congreso.